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Interview from the American School of Dubai

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Dr. Thompson flew to Dubai on February 5th to conduct  faculty workshops and speak to students at the American School of Dubai.  Over the course of three days he spoke to every student from fifth through twelfth grade in assemblies, he conducted three faculty workshops, and made three presentations to parents.  He was also a guest on the student television network, hosted by Alexa, a terrific (and well-prepared) interviewer.

Visit to the Ontario Camp Association conference in Toronto

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In mid-January I flew up to Toronto to speak to the Ontario Camp Association annual conference from my book Homesick and Happy: How Time Away from Parents Can Help a Child Grown. The combination of the words “camp” and “Ontario” has special significance for me because it was at a canoe tripping camp in that Canadian province that I first achieved a measure of the independence for which I yearned as a boy.  The summer after I turned fourteen I attended Camp Keewaydin, a legendary camp on Lake Temagami, three hundred miles north of Toronto.
